Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Equity Lending Would You Lend All Your Home Equity To A Family Member Trying To Buy A House?

Would you lend all your home equity to a family member trying to buy a house? - equity lending

My sister has just been introduced, decided to bankruptcy and that the bank they go home so they can resume. But now she and her husband found a house for 60K and my husband asks his brother () if you have money of our actions have in our house that is in fact quite the legacy we borrow, so this house Buy a can. My husband thinks that the loan, but I think it's a bad idea. What should we do?


Smilin'_... said...

Speak with your husband is free from frippin "accounts ....

What happens if the family member was bound by default, if you will (havent the money to pay a deposit .. You know ..)??

It remains on the hook to repay the mortgage without the help of a family member ...


I said it was a stupid idea ???.......

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