Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Transparent Dish How Do I Get Rid Of Burned On Food Stains On Baking Dish?

How do I get rid of burned on food stains on baking dish? - transparent dish

I cooked pork chops were marinated in honey, oil, and a few other things in an ovenproof dish made of glass furnace. The liquid was dried in the last dish and calcined in a charred sticky.

I dipped a few days were scraped off what he could scratch. But one of the corners in oil and marinade on the glass to a point where it almost as if a nail had been painted engraved.

I desperately tried various cleaning products, but they contribute nothing. I do not have to spray to the grill clean as I am currently in India and are not available. So I'm relying on "home remedies".

I might try baking soda, but it really only works directly on fat and oil unburned and fats. All suggestions gratefully received.

Thank you.

PS I was not sure if I post here or in the field of cleaning and laundry. Finally, I decided it might be more luck posting in the food section, where there may be others who have suffered from this problem.


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